1 research outputs found

    Minimizar el impacto que tiene la fusi贸n del helm bank y corbanca hacia los clientes y funcionarios mediante estrategias de comunicaci贸n, capacitaci贸n y motivaci贸n

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    In this work There was Minimized the impact that has the merger of the Helm Bank and CorpBanca towards the clients and civil servants by means of strategies of communication, training and motivation; bearing in mind that the topic SERVICE has turned into a determinant factor to the moment to establish the priorities and strategies of the organizations, so much so the topics of the SERVICE join in a relevant way the formulation of action plans orientated to the goals of the companies well be manufacturing, of intermediation, financiers or anyone another activity that they develop. In this work There was Minimized the impact that has the merger of the Helm Bank and CorpBanca towards the clients and civil servants by means of strategies of communication, training and motivation; bearing in mind that the topic With this work was offering to itself an opportune analysis for the clients, civil servants and for the same organization bearing in mind that the identification of the aspects that affect the perception of service, was offering to them a clear image of which they are the points that they must reinforce in the current consolidation process that lives, minimizing the impact that has the merger of the Helm Bank and CorpBanca towards the collaborators by means of strategies of training and motivation of the employees, Departing that for a good time behind the topic of SERVICE has been studied by many specialists and has marked a way in the companies that it has allowed to understand that the permanencies of the companies in the highest standards of the competitiveness owe to the implantation of a culture where the SERVICE is a fundamental part inside the strategy of these organizations.En este trabajo se Minimizara el impacto que tiene la fusi贸n del Helm Bank y CorpBanca hacia los clientes y funcionarios mediante estrategias de comunicaci贸n, capacitaci贸n y motivaci贸n; teniendo en cuenta que el tema SERVICIO se ha convertido en un factor determinante al momento de establecer las prioridades y estrategias de la organizaciones, tanto as铆 que los temas del SERVICIO se integran de manera relevante en la formulaci贸n de planes de acci贸n orientados a las metas de las empresas bien sea manufactureras, de intermediaci贸n, financieras o cualquiera otra actividad que desarrollen. Con este trabajo se brindara un an谩lisis oportuno para los clientes, funcionarios y para la misma organizaci贸n teniendo en cuenta que la identificaci贸n de los aspectos que afectan la percepci贸n de servicio, les brindara una imagen clara de cu谩les son los puntos que deben reforzar en el proceso de fusi贸n actual que vive , minimizando el impacto que tiene la fusi贸n del Helm Bank y CorpBanca hacia los colaboradores mediante estrategias de capacitaci贸n y motivaci贸n de los empleados, partiendo de que desde hace un buen tiempo atr谩s el tema de SERVICIO ha sido estudiado por muchos especialistas y ha marcado un camino en las compa帽铆as que ha permitido comprender que las permanencias de las empresas en los m谩s altos est谩ndares de la competitividad se deben a la implantaci贸n de una cultura donde el SERVICIO es una parte fundamental dentro de la estrategia de estas organizaciones.Universidad de San Buenaventura - Cal